Hi Gabriel,
Bike Farm could simply allow volunteers to work on sale bikes during the other shifts. If you're able to maybe have one or two stands specifically be used for building up bikes for sale (pending other individuals' needs).
I suppose Bike Farm could still have one evening designated for building up bikes that will be for sale so that way all stands (except one? In case someone comes by and needs the stand for a repair) can be used to repair bikes that will be used for bringing in funds to the organization...
Does staff have access to the facilities outside of shop hours? Maybe amongst staff there could be a staff only night to build up bikes.
I feel like there are a few possibilities to accommodate folks.
In past organizations I've been involved with we had a work trade program where you could volunteer for an hour and use that for 2-3 hours during the week to work on your own bike (also, Noone was ever turned away due to funds...so if people needed to use the space for whatever time amount but couldn't do a work trade or pay for it we'd simply ask to think of us later to help us keep the lights on)...
On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 6:18 PM Gabriel Trainer via Thethinktank < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> wrote:
Long time listener, first time caller coming from Bike Farm (all volunteer run collective) here in Portland, OR. We currently have a weekly volunteer only night to build bikes at the shop to sell to the public and recently it has come to my attention that this night can be seen as inequitable and exclusive. This night excludes those who cannot afford to volunteer their time as every other shift we have is open to the public to utilize our space and help for $5/hr, work/trade, or for free if the individual truly needs it. Does anyone else have a volunteer/staff only night? I am having a tough time justifying for myself the existence of this volunteer only night. Looking for thoughts from you all.
Kind regards, Gabriel
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judith caroline feist (they/them)
"Radical simply means 'grasping things at the root'"- Angela Davis
"i don't think my art is political. i think it's about the stuff that doesn't let me sleep at night." -felix gonzalez-torres
“Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live.” -mark twain
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