Hey Kim,
Just responding about your Thinktank posting about outdoor bike repair stations. I work for Intercity Transit in Olympia, WA. We experimented with a public tool station mounted at our main transit center. It was removed maybe a month or so after it was installed. It quickly became a bicycle chop-shop for folks in our community, particularly outside of our hours of operation. Two things I would recommend for a public tool station are...
Make it secure, but movable. Or it could be in a lockable closest/cage/space. It is difficult to foster a positive use of this resource when no staff is around.
Have clearly posted rules about use. I'd recommend listing allowed repairs, or time limits. We had regulars who would camp out at the stand making it unusable for others needing quick fixes.
David Coppley Walk n' Roll Program Assistant Intercity Transit 360-705-5817 (office) 360-701-8379 (cell) PO Box 659 Olympia, WA 98501 dcoppley@intercitytransit.commailto:dcoppley@intercitytransit.com Follow us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/WalkNRollIT/ & Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/walknrollit/