The meeting is scheduled today la reunión está programada para la réunion est prévue pour
*@ 5:30 Eastern / 2:30 Pacific*
Here is the link aquí está el enlace Ice est le lien
*https://meet.google.com/bir-efvy-woc* https://meet.google.com/bir-efvy-woc
On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 2:28 AM alejandro manga tinoco < alejandromanga@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone send the info for tomorrow's meeting, do you know the time? Est-ce vous aviez envoyé un lien pour le RDV de demain? C'est à quelle heure ? Han enviado un link/invitación para la reunión de mañana? Es a que hora?
On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 7:26 PM Aida Mas Baghaie aida.masb@gmail.com wrote:
--- Traducción al Español - Mensaje de Angel ---
El sábado habrá una reunión para todxs lxs que han expresado interés en organizar Bici!Bici!. Nuestra agenda está a continuación. Envíe un correo electrónico a bikebikeeverywhere@gmail.com si tiene recomendaciones o algo que le gustaría añadir a esta agenda inicial.
- Agenda/Orden del día:
- Plataformas: tendremos en cuenta privacidad, accesibilidad, justicia
lingüística, open source y los resultados de la encuesta.
- Interactivo (discusión con video)
- Transmisión en vivo (video unidireccional)
- Chat (solo texto)
- Traducción (escrita) e interpretación (oral / lenguaje de señas)
(nota: El grupo Antena se encargó de la interpretación el año pasado pero han cerrado. Les he pedido una recomendación.) 3. Divulgación / contactar talleres para el evento
On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 11:42 AM Angel York aniola@gmail.com wrote:
aida, puedes traducir este mensaje por favor? muchisimas gracias!
Aussi, nous avons besoin d'un ou plusieurs traducteurs francais!
Everyone who has expressed interest in helping organize will be meeting on Satuday. Our agenda is below. Email bikebikeeverywhere@gmail.com if you have recommendations or something you'd like us to add to our initial agenda.
- Platforms As a reminder, we will be keeping in mind privacy,
accessibility, language justice, open source and the interest survey results.
- Interactive (discussion video)
- Livestream (one way video)
- Chat (text only)
- Translation (written) and interpretation (spoken/ASL) (note:
Language justice and interpretation org Antena is closed but I have asked them for a referral) 4. Outreach/contacting organizations
On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 9:30 AM Aida Mas Baghaie aida.masb@gmail.com wrote:
---- Español a continuación ---- Hey all,
Glad to see that something will be happening for B!B! this year! I’m just seeing that all communications for this are only going out in English, which can be a real barrier for a lot of folks. At the last B!B! a lot of amazing work went into interpretation and language justice and I hope that that can continue for B!B! Everywhere.
So, if you don’t speak Spanish but want to be sending call-outs to the whole list and Facebook group, please let me know and I’ll translate them into Spanish.
k thanks!
------ Español ------
Hola amigxs!!
Me alegro de que se estén organizando para B!B! este año! Estoy viendo que toda la comunicación ha salido en inglés y creo que no debería ser así, en particular porque en el último B!B! se hizo tanto trabajo para asegurar la justicia lingüística.
Básicamente les estoy ofreciendo apoyo de traducción a lxs organizadorxs. Si quieren apoyar la traducción/interpretación, por favor avisen a lxs organizadorxs - bikebikeeverywhere@gmail.com.
On May 4, 2021, at 5:51 PM, Mark Rehder mark@re-cycles.ca wrote:
We've been using the mentioned https://meet.jit.si/ for awhile now
with no problems.
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 5:51 PM Mark Rehder mark@re-cycles.ca wrote:
We've been using the mentioned https://meet.jit.si/ for awhile now with no problems.
Best part is that anyone can set up a meeting and you don’t need an app, just the link which will open in your browser.
Mark Rehder Operations Manager http://re-cycles.ca
On May 4, 2021, at 12:50 PM, Cyclista Nicholas <
cyclista@inventati.org> wrote:
Angel & Co.,
I suddenly realized with horror that this event may end up
defaulting to Zoom, which is problematic for so many reasons (a community conference happening over highly surveiled and datamined corporate networks?!!). Can we make sure to use another platform, or multiple platforms?
Below is a by-no-means-comprehensive list I've compiled as
alternatives during this era of Zoom. Most or all of them are open source. I compiled this list a few months ago; there's probably new ones that have emerged by now.
https://elos.vc/site/ https://rocket.chat/ https://app.wire.com/ https://jami.net/ https://riot.im/ https://meet.jit.si/ https://www.autistici.org/services/videoconference-streaming https://meet.mayfirst.org/ https://meet.greenhost.net/ https://emma.cloud.tabdigital.eu/ https://kopano.com/ https://use.meet-app.io/
Ride safe (from mass surveillance) everyone,
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2021-05-04 15:00, Angel York wrote: > 100% of interest survey respondents said YES to attending an online > Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2021. It's going to happen. An
organization team
> is coalescing. > In the past there have been two types of Bike!Bike!: classic and
> I am delighted to let you all know that there is now a third type
of option
> available for Bike!Bike!. Bike!Bike! Everywhere!! > *DATES* > *Registration signups and workshop proposals *are open from
*Saturday May
> 15 - Saturday September 4, 2021. * > (If you're a procrastinator, you could make a note on your calendar
> celebrate my July 21 birthday with me by filling out the form weeks
> the deadline!) > *Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2021 > https://en.bikebike.org/conferences/SouthPole2021/* will be
> October 29, Saturday October 30, and a wrap-up on Sunday, October
> Times will be announced probably some time in September. These
dates are
> Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5). There were more people from that
time zone
> than all other submitted time zones combined. > *link may not be valid until later today, depending on when it gets > processed > Volunteering > We need help with: > - translation, interpretation, and language justice (now and
> - facilitation (event) > - technical support (event) > - research (now) > - data entry (now) > - social media (now) > - and more! > Please email bikebikeeverywhere@gmail.com if you're interested!
> including: > - the language(s) you feel comfortable communicating in > (speaking/reading/writing) > - the ways you would like to collaborate/contribute > - any ways you would like to be supported as we work together! > On a personal note, as a motor minimalist, I am very excited to
finally get
> to attend a Bike!Bike!! > ____________________________________ > The ThinkTank mailing List > Unsubscribe from this list here: >
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