Have you all seen the video "The surprising truth about what motivates us "?
Enjoy! Christine www.bicicentro.org
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Gervase Gallant gervasegallant@yahoo.com wrote:
I've been a volunteer at the local bike co-op and recently have been thinking about some way to develop and keep volunteers.
Our board has been thinking that offering used parts for hours worked and 10% over cost on new parts might entice some. Perhaps for volunteers with a history of at least 6 hours a month we could offer something else...
I'm wondering though if we are approaching this correctly.
Perhaps the motivation might be elsewhere. For myself, when I started volunteering, I was just doing it because I thought the co-op was a cool idea (and I wanted to learn more about wrenching...). Others seem to be addicted to fixing up (and possibly flipping...) bikes at home and are always in need of parts. Still others, particularly the younger ones, seem hooked on the coolness of it all.
What does motivate most volunteers? What could we do to keep them coming?
Gervase Gallant
Des Moines Bike Collective: Commuter Corner http://dsmcommutercorner.wordpress.com/
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