hi there-
At the Bike Church insanta Cruz we have resisted creating a wage hierarchy. We offer compensation for administrative or core tasks that we define as "clerkships" (ie: we alot 5 to 15 hours per week to the following clerkships: accounting, facility upkeep/improvemets, new parts ordering/stocking, community outreach, tools, and there might be one more). Any core collective member is eligible to log up to a certain # of clerkship hours per week (10-12 here) and jobs are assigned at quarterly meetings.
All of this is dependant on having money to spend. We're open 6 days/wk and packed every day (8+ stands full and people/bikes all over the place) and selling used and new parts. the shifts are staffed by 2-3 core mechanics (volunteering) plus other volunteers. Our rent is high, but we're still putting enough money in the bank to pay ourselves for clerk hours.
you can find this info and more in the bike church handbookhttp://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0Acysy111TlR5ZGQ5bWpjNndfMTZmd3E4bmZkeA&hl=en.
I'm planning on bringing some copies of the handbook to minneapolis.
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Boson Au instructions@gmail.com wrote:
so the recent job opening at the bike kitchen in LA reminded me of something I'd very much like to discuss at bikebike, namely how, if you, compensate managers. Currently our collective members are de facto managers, and the recent influx of new volunteers/people in our shop is making some of us think about the possibility of creating a manager role. Right now we have no way to pay this person, but that might change in the future.
so I guess if yall have a minute, can you tell me a little about how your organization deals with it? specifically, if you do offer compensation, does it affect their decisiion making powers? I noticed that the bike kitchen's job opening states that the person would not have executive decisionl, and I can see why since that person's power is already pretty great considering they'd be the manager of the shop.
anyways, this is something I'm really interested in and want to pursue @ bikebike.
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