First Hub Newsletter of 2011! Is this email not displaying correctly? [1]View it in your browser. [2]Friend on Facebook [3]Follow on Twitter [4]Forward to a Friend Links: 1. http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=821e37e08c4938b774e49bd50&id=54ec0b9... 2. http://thehubofdetroit.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=821e37e08c4938b774e... 3. http://thehubofdetroit.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=821e37e08c4938b774... 4. http://us1.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=821e37e08c4938b774e49bd50&id=...
Hey Everyone: You may be like me where you once got an email newsletter from the Hub and then one day it disappeared. I was disappointed but eventually I started working here. However, many of you don't work here and I want you to know what is going on, so the newsletter is back! Look forward to seeing this newsletter in your inbox at least monthly from here on out. We hope to use this newsletter template to give you programming, events, shop and other news that you need to know. If you have an event or something that needs to go in the newsletter, please email Joey (at) thehubofdetroit.org and he can add your info to the next newsletter. You can also email him ideas for what you would like to see from the newsletter. The more info you have, the better you can get connected to what we do.
see ya'll soon,
Jason x
Sneak Peek
_Other upcoming events to watch for:_ Come this September we are going to have our first ever _progressive dinner bike ride_ with food made by OrganaMan, Neighborhood Noodle and Suddenly Sauer. Registration will begin soon so keep an eye out for that.
In October as things slow down at the shop, we are going to clean out the warehouse and have a _benefit concert surrounded by all our bikes_. People seem to like hanging out in our warehouse, hopefully they like rock and roll as well. Look out for that.
3rd Annual Safe Streets Youth Ride
Save the Date: Sat. August 20th
Hey everyone! It is time to get energized for our big annual ride. There are many more people riding in Detroit now than have in recent memory. There are also many more groups doing rides together. On August 20th we will be gathering in our back alley at noon for our big annual ride. What makes our ride different? Well, the primary focus is our youth. We are inviting all our Youth that have completed the Earn-a-Bike program in the past year to bring those bikes out and ride with us. We hope they bring their families with them so they can all ride together. This will be a slow ride so people of all ages can keep up. Afterwards we will have a parent appreciation BBQ.
So what if you didn't participate in Earn-a-Bike? Well, that is the other part that makes our ride unique - it is a fund-raiser to continue the programming that we provide here in the Cass Corridor. If you would like to ride with our youth, please register [5]at our Wepay.com site. Registration is $25, _but if you register before August 13th - registration is only $10._ Again, Youth Earn-a-Bike participants and their families ride free. Links: 5. http://thehubofdetroit.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=821e37e08c4938b774...
Any questions? Let us know. We hope to see ya'll out there on the 20th!
Program Update
_News from Earn-a-Bike: _I added this news to [6]our website but I wanted to put it in here too. As of the beginning of August, _our youth programming has gotten over 160 bikes out to kids in Detroit._ Of course, this would never be possible without the over 160 people who donated bikes to us and all the volunteers that have helped out. We still got some time to go and we got a bunch of donations in this week. We'll see how high we can get that number by the end of the year. [7]follow on Twitter | [8]friend on Facebook | [9]forward to a friend _Our mailing address is:_ The Hub of Detroit 3611 Cass Avenue Detroit, MI 48201 [10]unsubscribe from this list | [11]update subscription preferences Links: 6. http://thehubofdetroit.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=821e37e08c4938b774e... 7. Twitter Account not yet Authorized
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