16 May
16 May
12:20 p.m.
Hello, I spent few times in Guatemala at Maya Pedal www.*mayapedal*.org/ They should have some interesting stuff.
Cheers, Sigrid
*Sigrid Lelièvre*
*Mobile* *+33 652 123 153*
*Email* sigrid.lelievre@gmail.com
*Linkedin *http://fr.linkedin.com/in/sigridlelievre
2014-05-16 17:06 GMT+02:00 Arielle Milkman ariellemilkman@gmail.com:
> My organization, WABA (the Washington Area Bicyclist Association), is
> working on developing some Spanish-language bike education materials. We're
> developing Spanish-language learn to ride instruction, as well as some
> basic riding tips and mechanics information.
> Do any of you have Spanish-language materials you can share with us, or
> any tips for creating culturally competent bike resources?
> Thanks,
> Arielle
> --
> Arielle Milkman
> Washington Area Bicyclist Association
> 2599 Ontario Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20009
> 202-518-0524 ex. 207
> arielle.milkman@waba.org
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