We treat business donations the same as individual donations. We give them a tax receipt and the rest is up to them to work out with their accountant or when they do their taxes.
Wanda Pelegrina Caldas, Board Member
Community Cycles, Boulder's only nonprofit bike shop, serves all your bike commuting needs.
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Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 11:55:55 -0400 From: matt@uticabikerescue.org To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Donations from Businesses
ThinkTank,I have been trying to research this and I'm not really finding a complete answer. Perhaps some of you have personal experience/knowledge that can help. There is a bike shop in my City that has a stockpile of used bikes in a warehouse and they've expressed some interest in donating them to our community bike shop. Does anyone know specifically what the tax advantages are for the business that donates? I know how it works for individuals but I don't know how it works for a business.
Does anyone have epxerience with this?
Thanks, Matt