just got home to ATL.. tired and inspired.. here's something my friend asked me to pass along. thanks for a lovely weekend.
love, peace, and bicycle grease, rachael
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jacoby Ballard jacoby@cispes.org Date: Aug 10, 2007 11:21 AM Subject: Solidarity Cyclers! To: Jacoby Ballard jacoby@cispes.org
Hello Stellar bike folk that I know and love-
The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (the radical org that I work for) is hosting a week-long solidarity ride from NYC to Washington DC, and we'd love for you to be a part of it. See my coworker's email below and attached flyer for more info, and please please, pass it along!
Hi to Friends of CISPES (and friends of mine) -
I'm helping organize a "FUN"draiser bike ride for CISPES - the 2007 Solidarity Cyclers ride - to pedal this October from NYC to Washington D.C. As organizers, we're basically recruiting all the people we'd love to spend a week on a bicycle with. and you're it. All the information is below. If you're at all interested, let me know and I can try to talk you into it! You don't have to be a huge cyclist. The first time I really rode a bicycle it was 2 months before I did a 600 mile solidarity cyclers ride in 1999. Also, if you know of other folks who would be really excited to do the ride, feel free to forward this on to them as well.
The flyer is attached in case you can't see the fun pictures below.
Join the Solidarity Cyclers 2007 Ride!
New York to Washington D.C. , October 6-14
This October, join the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) and the Haiti Reborn program of the Quixote Center in cycling for solidarity! We will spend a week pedaling almost 300 miles from New York to Washington D.C. All the riders will raise pledge money beforehand, and then we'll make stops and do presentations about solidarity work, inviting people to take action and financially support the critical work CISPES and the Quixote Center are doing.
Why bikes? Biking is a great way to have fun and be political just by pedaling. Especially in a group, people pay attention to your hard, unconventional transportation method and come to events, ask questions, or donate good food or funds for your cause along the way. As activists and organizers we want people's attention since we want people to know about U.S. foreign policy in the Caribbean and the Americas! Finally, doing something difficult for a cause is a compelling reason for friends and family and other supporters to give cyclers money for solidarity work.
Why NYC to Washington D.C.? CISPES is moving the national office from NYC to Washington D.C. to be really in belly of the beast, and to be closer to other solidarity organizations we work with (like Quixote Center!) that are already thriving there and creating social change. The Quixote Center isn't moving, but we're excited to celebrate the move and the growing alliance of the progressive forces, in D.C. and around the country!
Why early October? October 12 is Indigenous Resistance Day (also known as Columbus Day), and actions happen around the hemisphere commemorating years of struggle for self-determination and social justice. On October 12 we will hold a major event along the ride as well!
How can I support the ride?
First and most importantly, you can ride with us! You don't have to be a super professional biker, you just need a passion for riding, a bicycle that'll treat you well along the way, and to be able to ride 35-50 miles a day come October. Riders should raise $1000 in pledges before the ride - that comes out to finding 35 people who will pledge 10 cents a mile ($30) each - piece of cake!
If you can't or don't want to ride, there are other important roles too:
Host an event in your town
Drive the support vehicle!
Help set up public events in the cities between New York and
Gather donations (bike tools, bike gear, food along the way,
Find hosts to house the cyclists along the route
Gather maps and plan safe, beautiful cycling routes
Help gather pledges for other riders
Ride for a day! You can meet up with the riders and join the fun
for a short stint along the way.
Volunteer bike mechanic support in NYC on October 5 & 6 to help
riders fine tune their bikes
Media work - help us publicize the event!
What's the plan?
Each day we'll ride 35-50 miles, into and out of cities and on some beautiful country roads and greenways in between. We'll end each day in a city or town where a local solidarity, faith, or peace and justice group will host a public event for us, as well as (hopefully) a big potluck to help fuel the ride! The route is still being developed, but we hope to at least have events in New York City, Trenton, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. The send-off party will be on the evening of October 6 in NYC and we'll arrive in Washington for a big reception on October 13 or 14.
How do I sign up!?!?!?
We plan to have between 8 and 15 riders. As of July, there are four confirmed. If you are interested in riding, please contact Krista Hanson at krista@cispes.org /212-465-8115 or Tom Ricker at tomr@quixote.org or 301-699-0042. They can get you a registration form, pledge forms and other logistical information.
If you can work on any of the other volunteer roles, let us know too!
See you on the road.