Hi all,
Thanks to the guy who answered the phone at the Community Bike Project in Omaha, I found this list which I hope will be helpful in preparing a report that will hopefully lead to funding a major investment in community bike shops in California.
I need to include in my report a decent budget estimate for opening and operating a shop, and for the number of bikes that we can reasonably expect to recycle through the shop through earn-a-bike programs and direct sales of donated used bikes.
I asked this question on the bike-equity network list and got a couple good responses that I’d like to add to before preparing my final report.
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Dave Snyder Executive Director California Bicycle Coalition Enabling more people to bicycle for healthier, safer, and more prosperous communities for all. Join or renew https://calbike.org/donate/ as a CalBike member. 916-251-9433 | dave@calbike.org