Here's a comprehensive wiki spreadsheet of terms in several languages including Spanish: http://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Multilingualism
Here's a free pdf book: https://www.ecobici.df.gob.mx/sites/default/files/pdf/manual-del-ciclista.pd...
Attached is a file from a previous thread.
That's all the Spanish language resources I could find in the archives. Would love to add the multilingual diagram to the list! On Apr 2, 2015 5:12 PM, "Lauren Warbeck" lauren.warbeck@gmail.com wrote:
Hey folks,
I know this request comes across the listserv from time to time, so sorry for not keeping better track of this topic.
I'm working on a project with migrant agricultural workers in British Columbia this summer and I'm looking for reproducible Spanish and Tagalog how-to zines, handouts etc. We've got a good multilingual bicycle anatomy diagram that works well for us. I'm interested in anything you wanna send my way, but I'd be particularly interested in guides to patching flats, riding safely, and anything you've found useful for working with migrant workers/migrant agricultural workers more generally.
Thanx buddiez!
Lauren @ OCB and the Bike Kitchen in Vancouver BC
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