There's a reason most of the freak bike clubs are wholly unofficial / at your own risk activities engaged in by adults/near adults.
That said, the co-op I work at gets its insurance through the California Association of Nonprofits, so you may want to see if the similar entity in your state - http://www.nonprofitmaine.org offers something similar.
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Bronwyn Potthoff bpotthoff@gwi.net wrote:
Hello, ****
We’ve been unsuccessfully trying to secure insurance to initiate a welding/fabrication program through the Community Bicycle Center. Ideally, we’re helping youth develop technical job skills through creating low-rider and chopper bicycles --- but the point of the program is not about bikes, it’s about learning the welding and fabrication skills necessary to create a tricked-out ride. ****
The major obstacle we hear from insurance companies is that we’re creating a high-risk “Frankenstein” product (or “functional art”) that is extremely hard to insure. As soon as we chop a bike, the manufacturer’s warranty is null and void (for good reason!) The actual welding with kids is not a huge issue – it’s what happens if a weld breaks or a kid injures him/herself going off jump with a bike that is not build to handle such stressors. Waivers and disclaimers will only go so far and are not bullet-proof. Because we’re a commercial entity, it’s obviously not covered under any homeowner’s insurance policy (which would be what covers you if you’re helping your nine year-old neighbor weld a sick mutant bike). Also, vocational school insurance functions differently – I checked that too. ** **
I may end up having to change the program so that our “product” is not a bike, but something less risky such as a static sculpture. Regardless, does anybody have any experience with securing insurance for commercial (aka nonprofit) welding work with kids during which a “product” gets fabricated? [Keep in mind, all programs are free AND the product created is also free --- no bill of sale is involved] I’ve touched base with other programs around the country that do similar work, but have not heard back.
Thanks!! If it makes more sense to talk through this via phone, my number is 207 282 9700. ****
*Bronwyn Potthoff, Resource Development/Community Relations Director*
Community Bicycle Center****
(mailing) P.O. Box 783****
(shop) 284 Hill Street****
Biddeford, Maine 04005****
t: 207.282.9700 www.communitybike.net ****
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*Providing Opportunities for Youth to Grow*
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