Hello everybody, We are going to be giving a 1 1/2 hour class on bike basics to 17 middle school kids and then again to 17 high school students. This is being done offsite in a classroom setting with no bikes or tools.
Im hoping that some of you might have some advice on what to cover in this short period of time and any tips and tricks you may know.
I am thinking start with a bike anatomy overview and then move into fixing a flat which would consist of presenter demonstration interspersed with a little Q and A then followed up with a student hands on with a punctured innertube to patch. Perhaps make a game out of it?
Finishing the class with an overview of the pre-ride saftey check. I can hand out laminated checklist cards for them to keep.
Any commemts, advice, pointers would be much appreciated. I thank you for your time.
In service, Robert Sacramento Bike Kitchen