7 Apr
7 Apr
5:11 p.m.
So true, Mark!
Sent from my HTC EVO Design™ 4G from Boost Mobile
----- Reply message ----- From: "Mark Rehder" mark@re-cycles.ca To: "Vernon Huffman" vernonhuffman@yahoo.com, "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] traffic light timing Date: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 12:14 On 2013-04-06, at 10:52 PM, Vernon Huffman wrote: (snip)There is so much more we could do, but you've got to fight the asphalt lobby every step of the way.
The above made me chuckle - not because I disagree, but because I won't let cars think they are the reason for paved roads. We cyclists were the original "asphalt lobby": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Roads_Movement Mark