Hello! Mexican here. You can probably base it on this manual:

The Urban Cyclist Manual by The Mexico City Government: https://www.ecobici.df.gob.mx/sites/default/files/pdf/manual-del-ciclista.pdf it was created for the introduction of their public bycicle program Ecobici.

I can proofread the document for you if you want.


On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Bill Depenbrock <billdepenbrock@gmail.com> wrote:
I'd just like to comment that before you go to the printer with any materials you put together, that you have it checked for grammar/spelling by two or three native Spanish speakers. Even as a non-native Spanish speaker, I always see monster errors in grammar and spelling that affects (I think) the credibility of the material.

I think one culturally-specific point I might suggest is an emphasis on bike safety. I just seems from being around my Latino friends and co-workers, ideas about physical safety and accident avoidance aren't in the mental landscape as much. A specific example we have here in Chicago is that between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am we have all the Latinos riding home in the dark on bikes from their restaurant jobs, dressed in dark jeans and black jackets and no lights or reflectors, and they just get mowed down by late-night drivers coming home from bars. So incubating the safety perspective would be a strong positive.

One point I see in the black community I work in is that groups who are interested in promoting biking in their church groups or youth groups are promoting biking as part of a general fitness/wellness push in their groups, as a counterpoint to diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. I think the wellness component of biking is a useful emphasis in the Latino community, which is suffering from the same stress factors.

Bill Depenbrock
Bronzeville Bikes
773 419-9449

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Sigrid Lelièvre <sigrid.lelievre@gmail.com> wrote:
I spent few times in Guatemala at Maya Pedal www.mayapedal.org/
They should have some interesting stuff.


Sigrid Lelièvre

Mobile      +33 652 123 153
Email         sigrid.lelievre@gmail.com

2014-05-16 17:06 GMT+02:00 Arielle Milkman <ariellemilkman@gmail.com>:
My organization, WABA (the Washington Area Bicyclist Association), is working on developing some Spanish-language bike education materials. We're developing Spanish-language learn to ride instruction, as well as some basic riding tips and mechanics information. 

Do any of you have Spanish-language materials you can share with us, or any tips for creating culturally competent bike resources?


Arielle Milkman
Washington Area Bicyclist Association
2599 Ontario Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20009
202-518-0524 ex. 207


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