Youth under 16 must be accompanied by an adult, at all times. We ask they bring their own adult. We might have all kindsa stuff at the shop, but babysitters are not something we have in stock.
We do have a youth earn-a-bike program separate from our open shop. Youth 10-16 can participate without an adult, but their parent must sign a waiver.
We chose this age range b/c we find it's when kids are (usually) ready to take part, pay attention, learn. They are capable of using the tools safely or with little guidance and generally don't run around the shop using the tools as toys. We do occasionally get younger kids who start out super engaged, but their kids and have shorter attention spans. It turns into a situation where we end up babysitting or investing lotsa time in keeping them engaged, focused, on task.
It's great to work with younger kids if you have the staff, the programs and structure, but when it's super busy and already stretched a little thin, it's too much work to make sure that kids 10 and under safe and outta everyone's hair.
Wanda - Community Cycles, Boulder, Colorado
Wanda Pelegrina Caldas
Community Cycles, Boulder's only non-profit bike shop, serves all your bike commuting needs.
Use our secure online donation form to become a member, today.
From: paul@thebicycletree.org To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 15:41:55 -0700 Subject: [TheThinkTank] Minimum age for volunteer members
We are writing our bylaws and seeking to define age minimums for volunteer members of our organization. Our structure is going to distinguish between voting and non-voting members, based on hours volunteered. We have our minds made up pretty well that the minimum age for voting members should be 16, with perhaps a provision where exceptions can be made by volunteer vote. We are less certain about defining the minimum age for non-voting members, who may attend volunteer meetings (which are held on weeknights) but not vote, and would typically volunteer alongside people who are mostly 25-45 years old.
Anyone under 18 needs the signature of a parent or guardian to volunteer.
Perhaps relevant is that we are still operating on a mobile basis - setting up in regular locations outdoors.
I think keeping that minimum at 14 would avoid any issue with labor laws, but perhaps 16 would be better. What age limits, if any, do you employ, and why?
Thank you,
Paul The Bicycle Tree P.O. Box 11293 Santa Ana, CA 92711 http://www.thebicycletree.org info@thebicycletree.org
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