This is great info and timing for some workshops we are doing with kids, need helmets, etc. Thanks! Jane Halliday Falls City Community BikeWorks
-----Original Message----- From: Paul Fitzgerald paul@workingbikes.org To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Tue, Apr 12, 2016 8:43 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Discounts/donations for accessories
Helmets r us has been a good source for cheap helmets (rated helmets starting at $4 for non-profits). I've known of a few sources for free helmets in the past, but those I'm aware of have moved onto other health related causes.
Otherwise we use sunlite ulocks via JBI bike (aka j&b) which cost about $6.5 (up from 4.50 from our first big order). We've also gotten a ton of lights on their close out list which we provide if necessary. Their kidzamo line is a knockoff of knog's style and cost on front or rear lights is $3, as I recall.
Hope this helps someone, but would gladly have a different source for any of the above!
On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 7:38 PM, AMS Bike Co-op info@bikecoop.ca wrote:
Hey everyone,
We're involved in a couple programs that provide free/by donation bikes to folks that wouldn't otherwise have access and have recently identified a real need for accessories (particularly locks, but also helmets and lights). Has anyone had any success getting discounted or donated accessories from distributors, commercial shops (i.e. deadstock) or through fundraisers or bike drives?
Any tips/suggestion would be helpful :)