What if the Bike Collective Network (BCN) sold/distributed t-shirts and other schwag from community bicycle organizations?
The website, www.bikecollectives.org,
doesn't have much overhead, a little donated time and a little money for
hosting and the domain name, which hopefully means there would be money
left over for...
1) Individual organizations, whereas the BCN only takes out the minimal overhead charges and sends the rest to the organization who submitted that t-shirt design.
2) Bike!Bike!, whereas all the organizations submit their t-shirt designs, and they are printed as needed, proceeds cover the minimal overhead charges and the rest goes to bikebike related costs. If this were to happen we would need to establish an open and fair committee to review requests for funding, fund allocation, and follow-ups.
Where did they idea come from?
1) Recently we have had other collectives come by SLC and check out our shop and were excited to buy our shirts. Every time I go to another shop I buy their shirt -- so why not make this process easier?
2) Thanks to an artist named Mike Haring, I think the Bike Collective Network (BCN)'s Bonzai Bike Tree logo is pretty cool and belongs on a shirt. Not to mention people seem to dig our t-shirt design (attached to this email) by Mike Haring.
3) Sopobikes.org has a great t-shirt that Fallen Arrows sells (http://www.fallenarrows.com/gnp.html)
Jonathan Morrison
Executive Director
Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective
2312 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
w: 801-328-2453
c: 801-688-0183
f: 801-466-3856
Get Addicted to Crank!
The mission of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective is to promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation and as a cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier, and safer society. The Bicycle Collective provides refurbished bicycles and educational programs to the community, focusing on children and lower income households.