In 2016, we crafted a long range, big picture vision when we took on the task of buying a 2 acre property with a 28,000 sq ft building in the heart of Missoula. (we raised the down payment outright with cash donations, then assembled 8 tenants to cover the mortgage)
We had many pot lucks, round tables and one on one conversations. Then our two main staff (myself and our programs director, Emily) spent a bunch of time sifting, sorting, editing, re-dreaming;
the 4 page doc is found here:
we update it every year or so (it's due once again for revision as time/people/energy change)
It's focused on expanding our basic Free Cycles programs (Open Shop, Build a Bike), adding new programs (a hostel, learning center, bike share), our advocacy efforts (bikeways, roundabouts, road diets, sustainable paving) and also the dream of going off-grid, carbon neutral, no fossil fuels, and local and healthy materials to retrofit the building.
the doc is brief, and our plan is to take on pieces as we can, expanding the pieces with work plans and rough budgets
happy to talk more to anyone via mist@strans.org or 406.830.7676
-Bob Giordano, director, Free Cycles, MIST
Quoting Alysia Herr alysiaherr@gmail.com:
Hi buds,
I'm with Kickstand Community Bikes, a volunteer-run space in Vancouver, BC. We're in the midst of some big changes: a shop move, general increase in volunteer-time, and increase in shop user-ship. All good things, but we've decided that it's probably time for visioning meeting. However, it turns out folks have some different ideas about what this means. I have my own ideas, but I haven't participated in this sort of meeting before, so I'm not sure how to build a framework to make this exercise useful.
Has anyone participated in a Visioning Meeting for their organization? What did it look like? Specifically, what was the scope and what were the goals? Who facilitated the meeting? How many people attended? What did you accomplish? If anyone has an agenda or outline they could share, I'd appreciate it.