The Spring issue of Bicycle Quarterly also had stories about cargo bikes, a DIY rack, trailers and a road test of the Surly Big Dummy.
Eric bike COOP Lurker
On 4/9/11 1:06 PM, The Bicycle Tree wrote:
I meant to add that the May issue of Bicycling magazine has a section on cargo bikes, including the Bikes at Work trailer and the Cetma Cargo Margo that I think is the basis for the mobile bike shop in the LAB article.
The Bicycle Tree
P.O. Box 881 Orange, CA 92856
From: samh@samh.net Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 14:34:08 -0600 To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Mobile Bicycle Repair
I am interested in discussing mobile bicycle repair with other cooperatives who currently own or operate them. The Bozeman Bike Kitchen will begin fund-raising toward this goal starting in two weeks and I'm very interested in seeing or hearing about the mobile rigs other cooperatives have set-up.
- tool list
- cargo bike vs. trailer vs. both
- consumable parts list (tires, tubes, lube, et al)
- what advocacy stuff to include (banners, stickers, brochures, and
how to carry them)
- booth, tent, other
- other issues I'm short-sighted on...
Thanks, Sam
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