Hi all... Sibley Bike Depot of St. Paul MN is a community/public bike shop getting kicked out of a neighborhood which is in the process of being gentrified. We are currently looking for new spaces, and uncertain of how we can afford new rent ranges...and are looking to write some kind of business plan to make sure what we get ourselves into is actually at least moderately sustainable. Do any of your shops have a busines plan or something of the sort you could send me so we can use it as an outline to base ours off of? We'd really appreciate any advice we can get...

Thanks so much,

Claire with Sibley Bike Depot (www.bikeped.org ---sorry the site is down right now)

On 7/5/07, baglady@riseup.net <baglady@riseup.net> wrote:
Hello Everyone,

There are a whole 36 days left until Bike Bike!!!!

Can you believe it!!!

In such a little bit of time you, and hundreds (maybe) of your compatriots
in recycled bicycle love, will be getting together for three action packed
days of workshops, presentations, networking, bike rides, movies, and
dance parties.

So what does this mean?

It means that if you want to do a workshop we need to hear from you

Please send us  a description a brief description including
a) subject matter,
b) workshop format, and c) any facilities preferences/av needs

Please submit your name, the organization you are representing (if applica-
ble), full contact information, and a short biography of yourself and/or
your organization.
Please send in your proposals via email to workshops@bike-pgh.org, and in-
clude the word "Proposal" in the subject line.

If we have already spoken and confirmed whatever workshop you are doing
please send us a description paragraph that we can put on the website.

We especially need people to help facilitate workshops for the Bike 101
day.  We need people to lead workshops/discussions on recruiting
volunteers, programming (EAB for adults & kids, different models)  how to
get & keep a space, intro to legal stuff (501C3 status, fiscal sponsorship
etc) getting donations of tools & bikes, organizational models and more.
And what we would really love is for all the shops that are just starting
ujp to tell us what they want to learn in Bike 101 day, so that we can be
sure we have relevant workshops.  Also, we would love it if you wanted to
help us organize this day and correspond with the people facilitating

In the coming days we will have a tentative list up of all the 20+
workshops up on the website bikebike.org

Also, PlEaSe PLeaSe pLeAse send us your registration forms.  We need to
know how many people are coming so we can arrange housing, bike loans,
cook sufficient food and schedule enough workshops for everyone.  If you
didnt get a registration form you can download it at bikebike.org.

If you have questions you can call us at Free Ride at 412 731 4094 or
e-mail general questions to freeride@bike-pgh.org and workshop questions
to workshops@bike-pgh.org

See you in 36 days or earlier if you want to come early and help set it
all up and also help us prepare loaner bikes.

Bike On,
Your fellow bicycle lovers at Free Ride!

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