This is a reply to Fabian's question re; Travel equity fundraising a while back.
Winnipeg raised over $2000 last year for the travel equity fund through a series of monthly bike builds we did for the 4 months leading up to the B!B! conference. We figured that building & selling some bikes was a lot easier than organizing yet another fundraiser, so once a month The Wrench hosted a friday night beer (byob) pizza (paid for by The WRENCH) and wrenching night. We invited any and all mechanics who wanted to contribute to B!B! organizing in an easy, tangible way to come out and wrench on bikes for a few hours. Over 4 such nights we built and subsequently sold 20 bikes with all the proceeds going directly towards the bikebike travel equity fund. It was a really easy way to plug in folks from the extended mechanic community who wanted to contribute to organizing but not in a "sit in meetings" or "deal with piles of emails" sort of way.
Winnipeg is blessed with a pretty good stock of donated/salvaged bikes in the summer, so this initiative didn't really "cost" The WRENCH aside from paying for any required consumables (cables, housing, lube) and some cheap pizza once a month. And if we build them, they tend to sell without too much effort. I'd recommend this method to any shops who might want to contribute to raising some $$$ for this important fund.
That said, Winnipeg is laying low this summer, so don't expect another 2G coming from us! Sorry!
Lookin forward to LA!
Cheers, Geoff
Geoff Heath, Education Director The Winnipeg Repair Education N' Cycling Hub 1057 Logan Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3E 3N8 Treaty 1 Territory, Homeland of the Metis Nation http://www.thewrench.ca 204-296-3389
On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 3:04 PM, < thethinktank-request@lists.bikecollectives.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
- Bike!Bike! Los Angeles - Travel Equity (Fabian W.)
- Re: Bike Collective VS. Simply giving away bikes (DancesWithCars)
- Re: Bike Collective VS. Simply giving away bikes (Cycle-Re-Cycle)
- Re: Bike Collective VS. Simply giving away bikes (Bike Talk)
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 21:39:13 -0400 From: "Fabian W." fabian@pedaludico.org To: "'The Think Tank'" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Bike!Bike! Los Angeles - Travel Equity Message-ID: 00d801d41337$d0ee6380$72cb2a80$@pedaludico.org Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hello Everyone,
I?m Fabian W. and I?m a member of the Bike!Bike! 2018 ? Los Angeles organizing committee. One of my specific tasks is to promote and facilitate participation in our event by Mexican, Central American and South American bike groups.
There are two main components to this effort:
Promote the event among groups in those regions.
I?m already reaching out to many across the region but if you know of any specific ones I would really appreciate the contact information.
Fundraise for our travel equity program.
Participation by south-of-the-US Border groups is very difficult because of the cost of visas and airfare.
Jim Mayerstein from Mexico has shared with me some important background information about travel equity funding in previous Bike!Bike! gatherings starting with Detroit. Jim mentioned that a couple of the collectives from Canada were able to do significant funding towards this (Bike Sauce from Toronto and Our Community Bikes from Vancouver).
The Los Angeles Bike!Bike! organizing committee is going to do as much funding for this as possible but any contributions or ideas from the rest of the BikeCollectives community would be very appreciated.
We have started a crowd funding site at: https://bikebike2018.raisely.com/ . Any contributions there would help give momentum to that effort.
So, please if you have any ideas or have specific resources in relationship to both the promotion of the event south-of-the-US Border or, more importantly, in regards to funding our southern friends please contact me at fabian@ucla.edu mailto:fabian@ucla.edu
Looking forward to meeting many of you in LA in September,
Bike!Bike! 2018, Los Angeles, Organizing Committee
Professor, Department of Film, Television and Digital Media, UCLA
Director, PedaL?dico, Buenos Aires, Argentina ( http://pedaludico.org http://pedaludico.org)
Director, cheLA, Buenos Aires, Argentina (http://chela.org.ar)