Hey y'all,
Not tryin' to be a jerk, but this is something we've been doing (informally) for years. In fact people from Bike Kitchen and Bike Church (Santa Cruz, LA, SF, etc) have stayed with us at different points in time and for the most part we love to host people working with bikes for good from anywhere. I've hosted several people in my home and thought this was something we (proponents of bike culture) did, generally. (a common courtesy, if you would)
I've never seen it written or seen anyone try to formalize hospitality, but ok then, I guess.
It kind of takes the beauty out of it a little, I think, to make it formalized rather than spontaneous.
Okay, I think it's a good idea (obviously). I just wanted to throw in my opinion.
All the best,
Plan B New Orleans.
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 2:12 PM, Angel York aniola@gmail.com wrote:
Hi y'all,
This forwarded message was sent to bay area community bicycle shops. I thought I'd pass it along in hopes it might start a conversation about doing this on a somewhat larger scale.
Bike love, Angel
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Riyaz Sakharov rezrezrez@fastmail.fm Date: Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 6:14 PM Subject: [bikeministry] Community Bike Shop Working Holidays Proposal To: contact@thebicycleworks.org Cc: bikechurch@santacruzhub.org, bikeministry@googlegroups.com, thebikery@cyclesofchange.org, oaklandbikery@gmail.com, bikeministry@gmail.com, info@sacbikekitchen.org, mducot@ucsc.edu
Hello fellow wrenchers. This is reZz, a staff member at the San Francisco Bike Kitchen collective. I recently had a great experience working briefly at the Bicycle Works in San Anselmo on my way back from a camping tour of the CA coast. This revived an idea to formalize a sort of working holiday staff exchange. Here is how it would work:
A member of one of our collectives/churches would get in touch to make sure there was a place to stay. Then, s/he would get to bike to another shop in SC/Davis/SF/wherever, have a couch to sleep on, work a shift at that community bike shop, and perhaps have another day/night to explore the area before returning. For a lot of people this would work best on weekends, I would love to do it on a week day, especially if the shop was usually understaffed that day.
- We would get to see how our sister shops do it differently, and what
we have in common.
- The newer shops could check out the more established shops and vice
versa, which would allow us to see how it works at a different stage in the game.
- Free place to stay and a shower a nice bike ride away.
- A way for shops to get an extra volunteer on a day that it is normally
short-staffed. We have trouble getting people to sign up for Saturdays because we all want to get out of town. But if we were out of town working in another shop's Saturday shift it might just work out.
- Being able to share/trade resources that might be more available at
one shop than another. Anyone need Chinese BMX chains?
- Getting to meet each other.
We have a few people who have stepped up to offer their houses for participants to crash at, a couple of whom live close to the SF shop. Anyone out there who wants to offer a place or throw out some ideas for this exchange, let me know! Reach me at rezrezrez [at] fastmail [dot] fm -- (NOT.com) or phone me at (sorry for the encryption) sikkstoozevn 8218 in the SF area code.
So far, I am mailing this to Davis, Oakland and San Anselmo (I think...not sure how up to date some web sites are), but please feel free to spread the idea farther and wider.
-reZz, SF Bike Kitchen * * *
keep the faith http://www.hamsterdance.com/ http://artactivism.members.gn.apc.org/home.htm http://www.retardriot.com/ http://www.cultures.com/features/dance/dancers.html -- Riyaz Sakharov rezrezrez@fastmail.fm
-- http://www.fastmail.fm - Faster than the air-speed velocity of an unladen european swallow
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