Hi all,
we're in the process renewing our regular liability insurance and came across the Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. To be on the safe side, we decided to purchase that for now, but we're in the midst of deciding if we need it.
in my brief understanding; I'm not part of the committee that determines our insurance policy, it seems to be liability for the directors/officers, ie our decision making body aka collective, which is seperate from general liability. this insurance would cover "us" ie if someone wants to sue me due to my actions in the project, rather than the 'project'. I might have this wrong, I'm not sure.
so basically, the question posed by members of the collective was, "do other bike projects do this?" so hence this fragmented email.
so, if anyone else ran across this I'd love to know how you handled it and why. If you wanna answer in private, that's cool.. if not, post it?
thanks in advance.
-Boson Au Velocipede Bike Project Baltimore, MD velocipedebikeproject.org