2 Jun
2 Jun
10:06 a.m.
We keep a big box for 'unpatchable tubes' that are constantly used by us and public, mainly for bungee cord substitutes.
For the occasional load of frames going to the recycle center we use a couple dozen tubes daisy chained together for tie downs.
Any tube with slime is immediately thrown in trash.
We discourage using tubes for bar wrap (or for just about anything that will be outside and needs to last more than a year) as it gets sticky and breaks down in hot sun.
Landscapers will get tubes from us to tie branches, prop up plants, etc.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Beth Barnes islow4bikes@gmail.com wrote:
Could the think tank tell me what you/they do with old tire tubes? I'm in northeast VT, far from anywhere.
Bob Giordano
Free Cycles Missoula
Missoula Institute for Sustainable Transportation
www.strans.org, mist@strans.org, 406-880-6834