hey all,
we run a weekly 'youthshop' - like open shop for 12-15 year olds one day a week. one of those days per month, we are taking the core youth volunteers and participants on a short ride (on and off street) - approx. 45 min to an hour.... we are calling it Youth Shop Ride Club
we have waivers for youthshop, and separate permission forms for the ride. helmets and brakes will be required. bike and safety check will happen before the ride.
we own our building and our insurance has liability coverage for in shop activities. any ideas on how to insure the ride portion economically?
i have heard that you can get this kind of per participant insurance through the Boy Scouts, but am not sure, and just throwing this out to yall to see if anything comes back.
this is aalso what LAB insurance would obviously cover, but since we have building insurance, we we have not gone that route, and as all-volunteer; all donation, our budget is tiny.
will also be calling our insurance rep to check in.
in the past we have just done permission slips and done rides with no problems,.... and no insurance.
Andrew Troy Bike Rescue