Have a donations box with two silly bike related choices: presta or schrader?; barcons or thumbies?; tubeless or tubes?; Mr. Tuffies or Slime?; etc. Allow people to vote with their dollars. Really anything that creates engagement/elicits opinion.
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 4:37 PM, La Bikery labikery@gmail.com wrote:
Hello again folks,
I'm wondering if anyone has tips or suggestions on how to improve donation box revenue. We just have a simple box with some boring laminated signage, and I'm wondering if anyone has eyecatching, creative, or clever ways of getting members to actually stop, think, and donate a little more often?
We have a $5 lifetime membership, and parts are largely by donation, but the box itself goes largely unused, and our volunteers and members end up putting it in the cash box more often than the actual donation box
Let me know, send photos, whatever you wish!
Thanks, La Bikery
*Coopérative La Bikery Co-operative* *Centre de vélo communautaire * *Community Bicycle Centre*
*120 boul. Assomption blvd,*
- Moncton NB*
*Jeudis: 17 h à 20 h *
- Thursdays: 5 pm - 8 pm*
*Samedis: 11 h à 14 h*
Saturdays: 11 pm - 2 pm*
https://www.facebook.com/LaBikery https://twitter.com/LaBikery
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