
I thought someone added it on this maillist but nearly all of the french workshops are listed on this page: https://www.heureux-cyclage.org/La-liste-des-Ateliers-Velo.html?afficher_gis=oui
you can expand the list by clicking on the regions names


Le 14/08/2016 05:57, Angel York a écrit :
Thank you all so much for taking the time to check to see if you knew of any missing community bike shops.  Not only did we add and update the main list, I also added a bunch of seedling pages using the websites y'all helpfully provided.  So now we have a more comprehensive list!

The updated list is still at https://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Community_Bicycle_Organizations and if you see any more that need to be added, I would be happy to take care of it or to help you get started with editing the wiki!

That was so much fun!  Thank you so much!

Angel York


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Roman Ville-Glasauer
Master 1 Urbanisme et Aménagement, Lyon 2