On the advanced wheel truing, what I am teaching is the basic stuff everyone I hope knows, and including lubing the nipples, listening to the spokes by pinging them with your fingernail before attempting to true, looking for more thread one some than others, then teaching how to stress relieve the wheels while they are on the stand and before they are placed on the bike. I don't have an indepth curriculum but I'm teaching from start to finish, taking trashed wheels and trying to bring them back to life.
for peace, om shanti
www.photonicgirl.blogspot.com/ www.cherryplainfarm.blogspot.com/
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 19:52:26 -0400 From: ssssscott@gmail.com To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] advanced classes
Hey is there anyone out there who can offer up anything from basic breakdown to in-depth curriculum about your Advanced Mechanics Classes. We are looking to develop our own at Free Ride! this year. Anything you have would be really helpful.
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail.