hey everyone,

josh from community cycles in boulder, colorado here.

still coming down from bikebike, as i'm sure a lot of you are as well.

i don't remember who it was that mentioned it, but someone at bikebike mentioned that they get a lot of cruiser bikes, and don't have any use for them, so they go into the recycle/scrap metal pile. our shop has a big demand for them. i'm wondering if we couldn't use this list for some sort of trade dealings. or if there's something we get a lot of and someone else could use...some sort of parts exchange. shipping would be murder, but perhaps we could figure something out?

any suggestions/ideas in that vein?



On 8/20/07, Rich Points <rich@richpoints.com > wrote:
Hey All,
While at Free Ride we noticed the color coded tags used to identify
bikes such as; sold, library, earn a bike and such.  The tags were
attached using a chain that you can open and close.

Question:  Where did you guys get these?

Let us know
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