On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Rich Points <rich@richpoints.com> wrote:
How many times do we hear this question every day?
How are you keeping people busy in your shop?

I hope posters to this thread have looked at the tasks listed at http://www.bikecollectives.org/wiki/index.php?title=Shop_Manual
many of which came from OCBC's original stab at this task-finding task.

We are refining this now with a button for volunteers to "get a task" when they log in (we keep track of vol. credits on a computer), so much of our Shop Manual is currently being revised for clarity.

I will endeavor to update bikecollective's wiki as we go along.

I hope you all will do the same.

Jim Sheehan
Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op
1823 Columbus Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216 830 2667