Dear Community Bicycle Builders,
Starting November 27th, 2017, the Center for Appropriate Transport in Eugene, OR will be hosting a 4 month long live-in apprenticeship program. Apprentices will learn the frame building skills necessary to fabricate their own Tri-Hauler, as well as the entrepreneurial skills to use their Tri-Hauler for a pedal-powered business venture of their choice.
Apprentices will become competent fabricators learning to weld ( TIG and brazing), machinists, industrial sewers, gardeners, CAD users and more.
We now have details regarding the course timeline, the cost, and what the apprentices can expect to receive from the program outlined on our website http://hpm.catoregon.org/apprenticeship-program/
Some examples of money-making ventures using the Tri-Hauler can be seen at our business partner's website http://pedalersexpress.com
You can also read endorsements from our past apprentices at http://www.catoregon.org/ As of this date 28 folks from around the world have built their own cargo bikes and learned the skills.
We will be accepting 3 applicants for our Winter 2017-'18 program. The deadline to send in an application is November 18th, 2017. Please pass along this email to anyone who might be interested in the program.
Jan VanderTuin Center for Appropriate Transport