Hey folks, it's probably not a new idea but especially with upcoming information about Bike!Bike! I've been toying with the idea of starting a no-reply mailing list. There's a lot of logistics that we'd have to get worked out and it's something that I scarcely have time to administer but I wanted to get a general room temperature on this. One idea that I had that might help us smooth out some other issues as well was to replace the content on bikecollectives.org with a sign up form for bike collectives (not touching the wiki of course). Bike collectives would sign up as an organization giving their general email address and location and possibly a few other details. We could talk about having a few administrators that could send out notices, likely at most one a month although probably much more rarely than that and in addition we could use the information to know more about our community at large. This would also open up the possibility of putting bikecollectives.org to better use. My main concern is that, due to the nature of the think tank (long discussions, off-topic discussions, in-fighting) we are keeping many organizations in the dark about information that we would like them to know about. I'd appreciate any feedback and possibly volunteers!