Hey Rachael,
We count participants, bikes, and (estimated) tons of materials
reclaimed from the solid waste stream. For youth programs, we do pre-
and post- tests where students and their guardians answer a few
questions about attitudes and habits related to health and safety, and
slightly longer satisfaction surveys where students write about what
they liked, learned, and hated in the class. A few years ago, some
folks set up an Excel workbook which turns the answers into statistics.
I don't really understand how it works, but it does.
Short stories are good, too. I wish I was better about collecting and using them in any organized way. I also wish our evaluation text was stronger, but space constraints make hard to write everything in as much detail as I'd like. I look forward to others' feedback.
rachael spiewak wrote:
Hi, everyone.
We're working on grant seeking these days, so I'm wondering if anyone has ideas about how to do program evaluation. Can it be as simple as number of participants, number of bikes distributed/repaired, short narratives from participants..? Anyone doing pre and post tests or using SPSS? Can you count social change on your fingers? : )
Thanks! rachael
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