Stuart, check out what Marco Mazzei https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAAABUb7sBv5jnAwIyEnP4c58G8m48z-CA0bA has done in Milan with "Massa Marmocchi". www.massamarmocchi.it.
Also, bicibus.cat in Catalonia.
https://www.escuelaideo.edu.es/escuela-ideo-cycling/ is doing something similar.
The City of Prospect in Adelaide had a program run by Bridgette Minuzzo https://youtu.be/gDR6nXuJAB8
In Bogata https://www.movilidadbogota.gov.co/web/al-colegio-en-bici
On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 5:15 AM Stuart Nottingham scnottin@gmail.com wrote:
Good day, everyone. I'm trying to get a jump on starting a Bike Bus/Train to celebrate next year's Bike Month here in Salisbury NC. I was wondering if any of your organizations had already undertaken such a project and had information or suggestions they'd be willing to share. I find tat it's always better to follow guidance from those who have gone before and build on it.
Thanks! Stuart Nottingham ____________________________________
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