I have run into this a few times with aluminum seatposts/steel frames. I've tried the ammonium route before but found it much to stinky/messy and didn't get results. I have had success with a sheldon method of taking a longish hacksaw blade and cutting a vertical slit in the seatpost from the inside, stopping once you get near the frame. Then I grabbed onto it with a monkey wrench and it just sort of collapsed into itself as I twisted it. Very, very time intensive but effective. I've also heard the CO2 heating/cooling trick works as well. -Andrew FM Community Bicycle Workshop
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Today's Topics:
- Re: Frozen seatpost - stem removal tips by Jobst Brandt (Rigel Christian)
- Re: Frozen seatpost - stem removal tips by Jobst Brandt (Arlen Cooke)
Message: 1 Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 21:33:09 -0700 From: "Rigel Christian" rigelc@gmail.com Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Frozen seatpost - stem removal tips by Jobst Brandt To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Message-ID: d47aa47d0808302133h343be5bcm4f56b1b27876d95b@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
the people on the framebuilders list suggest two things when everything else has failed:
- ammonia
- lye (red devil has been removed from the market because of meth hysteria,
but drano works - anything with sodium hydroxide as the primary ingredient)
these work for aluminum-seatpost-with-steel-frame only, AFAIK. the latter will actually eat away at the seatpost itself (and produce probably-nasty fumes). the former stinks really bad.
i have never tried either of these, but they seem reasonable from a chemical standpoint.
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 9:08 PM, Ethan elabowitz@gmail.com wrote:
For a seatpost (or any aluminum part that fits into a steel tube), I would think one would prefer to cool down the offending aluminum seatpost rather than heat the (painted steel) seat tube.
Cool seatpost = smaller seatpost, ya?
I hear this can be done with a CO2 cartridge, but I've never had to try it.
Ethan Richmond, VA -- http://bikebuilding.blogspot.com
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 11:42 PM, joshua muir muirjoshua@gmail.comwrote:
I didn't see anything abut heat in there- I have had a fair bit of success heatng stuck joints, and pulling stuck aluminum stems and seat posts.
just don't overheat (or use the auluminum parts again).
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 6:30 PM, dragonfly@mac.hush.com wrote:
Kyle McKinley, I love that I can open an e-mail and read that anyone is someone's "favorite living bicycle thinker".
Thank you for having a catagory of "bicycle thinkers" in your head, for having favorites, and for having so many favorites that they must be subcatagorized into "living" and, presumably, "dead" 'bicycle thinkers'.
Reading your post cheered me up and made me feel that the world is a good place.
I think I'll go read Mr. Brandt on wheels right now. It just became the most important thing on my to-do list.
Kudos to all Americans for your historic Presidential slate-- Obama-Biden, McKinney-Clemente, Nader-Gonzalez, even McCain-Palin, despite the shudder that one gives me--has everyone seen the photos of Barak Obama riding his bike around Chicago like a regular commuter cyclist?
On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 16:48:30 -0400 kyle mckinley bicirider@gmail.com wrote:
Mr. Brandt is my favorite living bicycle thinker. His posting on wheels (fully catalogued on the web) make for incredibly interesting and entertaining reading. Unlike most everyone else out there, Brandt is a engineer, with no links to the industry. He's exactly the kind of grumpy old codger that we need in this scene, and I've never known him to be wrong. Thanks for these reposts... His gruff responses make me laugh out loud. -kyle
On 8/6/08, Mark Rehder mark@re-cycles.ca wrote:
Speaking of Jobst, he has an FAQ on Sheldon's site:
Lots of good reading (and opinions) there.
Mark Rehder http://re-cycles.ca _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org
-- If an Easyrider rides easy, then a bicirider rides bicis
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Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org
Joshua Muir joshua@santacruzhub.org
Frances Cycles -- francescycles.com Handbuilt cycling framesets Touring, Track, Road,Cross, and Cycletrucks for hauling any distance
The Bicycle Church Collective Community Self-Service Cycle Repair 3pm to 7pm everyday except Sunday 703 Pacific Ave (enter on Spruce St) Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) 425-2453
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org