20 Oct
20 Oct
9:55 a.m.
Rich Points:
Currently you have listed the Bethlehem Bicycle Cooperative in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in your bike collective directory.
Unfortunately the URL for this listing is not our website although we run the Bethlehem Bicycle Cooperative, and have done so since its inception 13 years ago.
The correct URL for the Bethlehem Bicycle Cooperative is http://www.car-free.org/bbc/bbc.html
The Bethlehem Bicycle Cooperative is run by CAT-Coalition for Appropriate Transportation.
We would be pleased to be listed in your directory of bike collective links, but linked to the correct URL.
Thank you for your help.
Steve Schmitt
CAT Director
60 West Broad Street #97
Bethlehem, PA 18018
610 954 5744
copies: Frank Pavlick, Bethlehem Bicycle Cooperative Shop Manager &
Mechanic Instructor; Scott Slingerland, CAT Bike Director
On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 6:24 PM, Rich Points rich@richpoints.com wrote:
> Hey All,
> So I thought I'd write to the list again and encourage you all to send me
> your links to your sites so I can add them to the directory
> http://CommunityCycles.org/links.html
> --
> Rich Points
> Community Cycles Director
> http://CommunityCycles.org
> Rich@CommunityCycles.org
> 720-565-6019