Macho: Go back and read Kyle's original point which was the dominance of white guys in bike coops who must be from privileged circumstances that allow them to volunteer their time. My point is people of both genders volunteer in various positions that suit their interests. Actually working on bikes has a greater appeal to males than to most (but not all) females. To conjecture that "white privilege" is a factor in bike shops says little about the wages most full- and part-time employees make in bike shops. Walk in to your local bike shop or even bike cooperative for that matter and ask anyone you meet their how many of them feel they are of privileged circumstances that allow them these jobs. My LBS friends work hard, love what they do, enjoy the shop discounts, and don't make enough money to become wealthy. Those that volunteer because they want to make a difference in helping others. That is the bottom line, without calling them privileged. We need to welcome any and all volunteers without pointing any fingers or implying anything derogatory. Bruce

Macho Philipovich <> wrote:
wait, what? how does big brothers/sisters being mostly female in your
area prove that white privilege isn't a factor in bike shops?


Bruce Lien wrote:
> I see Kyle's point as tunnel vision. Look at other areas reliant on
> volunteers and you will see many females, in some cases
> overwhelmingly. Case in point: the local chapter of the Big
> Brothers/Big Sisters organization reported their volunteers by gender
> composition is 75% female, 25% male. That should shoot the theory of
> white boys being privileged and in positions to volunteer. It is the
> bike business in general that attracts males to the sport. Don't
> believe me then take a look at the staff at any bike shop for your
> random sample. Females are a breath of fresh air to the sport of
> cycling and bike riding in general. But look also to the junior ranks
> of any state cycling organization and you will find many more males
> than females. Credit to those that volunteer and here is wishing more
> would join us, especially females. bikedad
> */Andy Dyson /* wrote:
> wrote:
> > Being white gives us privileges that might make it easier to
> 'donate' a
> > lot of time to a project you love. Nice racist statement.
> >
> Some great points in your post, Christopher, but it's the first
> line I
> have a problem with. I think that if you're going to call someone a
> racist you should do so in a more direct and clear way, for all of
> our
> benefit.
> Perhaps I'm just not smart, but sarcasm like the above leaves me
> wondering exactly what about Kyle's post you thought was racist
> and why.
> There are various interpretations I could think of, but why people in
> our community are calling each other racists is not an area where
> I want
> to jump to any conclusions. I do actually want to know what you
> think,
> because I don't think that Kyle was denying that people of all
> backgrounds volunteer, rather that privilege exists and it makes
> things
> easier for young, white males.
> I think that the whole point of Kyle's post is to draw attention
> to the
> existence of privilege, something that, in my experience, is not
> obvious
> to all of us.
> Peace,
> Andy
> --
> Andrew C. Dyson
> Executive Director Neighborhood Bike Works
> Increasing opportunities for youth through bicycling
> Check our Web Site:
> Neighborhood Bike Works
> 3916 Locust Walk,
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
> Office: (215) 386-0316
> Cell: (215) 873-6695
> FAX: (215) 386-7288
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