Here in Ontario there is a tire recycling program:
But they won't take bike tires.
For the past five years we've been paying $1 per tire to have our dead
ones properly recycled. All of the regular retail shops aside from MEC
just throw theirs out (to the best of my knowledge). I'd really like
the OTS to include bike tires, and our shop is willing to be a drop-
off point. I've written to my MPP but no action from him as of yet
(only an acknowledgment by his staff that my email was received).
Then I was informed that the BC program is now taking bike tires.
Is there anyone on this list with info as to how they got this
happening? I guess some sort of critical mass had to be achieved by
contacting as many bike stores as possible?
Mark Rehder - Coordinator re-Cycles Community Bike Shop http://re-cycles.ca