Hi all,My name is Barry and I'm the site director for a non-profit bike shop in the city of Alameda in the San Francisco Bay Area. We operate a full service recycled community bike shop that is just over 2.5 years old.
I was wondering if you would be willing to contribute some info about your org around strategic development that we can use, and that can be shared by all users of this e-group. Thanks, to Bikes not Bombs for the suggestion to post here! If you can answer any or all of them, that'd be great. And if you have any questions, feel free to email me/us directly at bikeshop@apcollaborative.org
Take care in these crazy times,
Barry www.myspace.com/cyclesapc
Here's the questions...
What has been your biggest challenge? How did you develop a long-term plan? What do you believe are some of your best practices? What is your mission statement? What services do you offer? What are your plans for growth? What are your current / prior threats and how did you address them? How do you balance revenue generation versus services provided? What are your most successful hours? When are your biggest sales? What / who is your core market? Where are the best prospects for focusing growth? What are your staffing levels? What is your overall budget and staffing budget? What was your history of growth (financially and staffing wise) What was the "critical mass" to become successful? Do you consider yourself successful? How do you define the success of your shop? How do you see the growth of the industry? Where are the biggest opportunities? Are you situated to take advantage of these opportunities? What is your commitment to community involvement? How much funding is from sales vs other sources and how does that affect your shop?