Just wanted to let you all know that The Bike Root here in Calgary will be holding our first Women's Workshop on April 5th, kind of a milestone for us. So far we have had alot of women signing up, so we are pretty stoked. Please do pass along a copy of that zine once the permission are sorted out.
Cheers, Lance The Bike Root
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:01 PM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
Oh, I still have my copy. I'd just like to get permission and touch base with the author before I reprint and/or distribute digitally...
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Forrest Cutrer fbcuter@msn.com wrote:
I'll look for my copy. I have it somewhere. I know it was written (or at least brought) by those people who came from Seattle. There is a picture of one of the authors (I think) in that issue of Urban Velo that talks about Bike!Bike!
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 10:35:40 -0600 From: veganboyjosh@gmail.com To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] no boys allowed zine from bikebike?
haha. awesome. no, it's not an april fool's joke. altho i do love that title.
the zine was produced in an effort to explain to guys why women need/deserve a space and time that's all their own. the idea being that when a guy shows up and wants to use the shop during women's time, if after trying to explain that "it's ladies night, please come back later..." and he still doesn't get it, give him the zine, and hope that it will help explain it.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:31 AM, reno bikes renobikeproject@gmail.comwrote:
sounds like that magazine should have been called
"no male oppressors allowed, death to the penis wielding sex fiends"
its april 1,
or is it?
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 8:20 AM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
hey all,
i'm looking to get in touch with the person who wrote/published the "no boys allowed" zine which was passed out at bikebike in san francisco. it was part of one of the oppression and gender identity issues workshops. we're looking to start a women's night here at community cycles, and i'd like to scan my copy as a pdf and email it to potential volunteers, as well as make some copies to have in the shop...
if you're on the list, or if you know the person who wrote it (her name escapes me), please get in touch with me off list...
josh. community cycles boulder
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