As the former temporary sole staff member at a bike coop, I think it's really important that you have clear and reasonable job expectations. Also, I would say it's really important that the person you hire has one specific supervisor. It can be extremely difficult to work for a group of volunteers. Hope that helps.

Feel free to email me with any specific questions.


Den 03/12/2014 09.28 skrev "Sam Haraldson" <>:
I am soliciting the advice of fellow cooperatives who currently employ paid staffers.  Our organization has grown enough in it's 10 year history that we are prepared to bring on a part time paid staffer for the summer and fall months of next year.  If there is anyone who would feel comfortable chatting with me either via a series of emailed questions or over the phone I would greatly appreciate it.  

Our goals with a paid staffer are primarily to alleviate the task of some of the less enticing jobs from our volunteers, to set the stage for being open more hours, and to dedicate a resource to further develop fund-generating streams like eBay and Craigslist.  

Feel free to reply with general commentary to the list or contact me privately to speak directly.  I am open to any and all advice or criticism as our organization explores this next big step.  

Bozeman Bike Kitchen (Montana, USA)



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