I spoke too soon! I just heard back from Interbike last minute, we are able to go! We have a limited number of tickets, and need those definitely going need to sign up on the following document before Monday at 5:00 PM, no exceptions. Badges will be awarded on a first-come/first-serve basis, so make sure to sign up quickly if you're sure you're able to go.
Going to Interbike comes with responsibility: Firstly, everyone attending has to sign up for two shifts at the Bicycle Collective Network booth, where we'll be representing the Bicycle Collective and the Alliance for Walking and Biking. Secondly, we will not tolerate conduct that doesn't represent us favorably to the rest of the Bicycling Industry. Being inconsiderate of an exhibitor's time, heckling for swag or deals from people you haven't developed a relationship with or who haven't clearly offered that sort of thing, or generally behaving like a child will earn you a boot from the show. We're not willing to jeopardize the reputation of the Bicycle Collective Network.
Barring major conflicts, we'd also like to do a mandatory night out for Collective folks on Tuesday night, the night before the show, where we would briefly go over our responsibilities formally and then just kick back, catch up across the city, state, and national lines between our different shops.
If you're able to provide your own accommodation, just sign up on the 'Registrants' and "BCN Booth Volunteer Shifts" tab on the document and we'll just see you at the night out, the booth, and the show! If you would like to split a room, sign up in the "Rooms" tab. We're trying to keep it about 4-6 to a room, the more the cheaper, so rather than spread yourselves out, consolidate so we can knock off excess rooms on the nights we're not using them.
In the event that more people sign up than we have badges for, we can get badges from Mary at the Alliance for Walking and Biking. I'll let you know if you're put on the waitlist for those badges and put your name in for allocation once she decides where they're going.
Thanks! Davey