Reno Bike Project and AACT are proud to offer 4 art workshops for anyone who wants to create art from bicycles. Using A.A.C.T.’s state of the art metal workshop and their well trained staff, as well as Reno Bike Projects own creative staff and volunteers we are offering an opportunity to come cut, weld, bend and construct bicycle art. Classes are available to anyone ages 16 older. (younger than 16 must be accompanied by parent) All participants must complete a 30-minute safety class before being allowed to use the workshop, which will be included in the course.
For some more cool ideas look here
What: We HeArt Bikes Art Workshops
Who: Anyone
Dates: March 5, 12, 19, 26
Time: 10am-2pm
Location: Academy for Arts, Careers and Technology (AACT)
380 Edison Way Reno, NV 89502
Cost: $35/per session – Please pay ahead of time at http://www.renobikeproject.com/index.php/donate/