Hey folks, we talked a little about this during the thinktank workshop and I know Ainsley was going to send out a notice to everyone that attended but I thought I'd try to get the ball rolling while its still fresh in our minds.
I have added an item for each workshop in the Bike!Bike! 2010 wiki page for notes. If you attended a workshop it would be great if you can put any notes you took into that workshop, or even if you just remember what happened that would be helpful as well. If there is already a writeup for that workshop, it would be helpful if you reviewed it and edited if you can make any improvements.
If you're not sure how to use the wiki, do what you can or ask someone. Someone else will likely re-format as long as the text is there.
You can find the page here.
Thanks everybody!
PS Ainsley: I hope I'm not stepping on your toes here, but also if you're planning on sending out another email to all participants it would still be helpful to include this as there are probably a lot of people not on the thinktank that could help out.