7 Apr
7 Apr
10:25 a.m.
Hi Collective Brilliance!
At MoBo, we were wondering how other bike co-ops cut down on tool theft. We check out a collection of tools to members which they sign in and out. These tools are reviewed at check in and out but that hasn't seemed to prevent tool theft. We aren't talking tire levers here; we are talking wheel dishing tools, truing stand and cone wrenches. We have turned the place upside down thinking they were misplaced but in most cases, they are gone. (Yes, even the truing stand).
What have other bike co-ops done when they've encountered potential tool theft? What measures have you taken to stop it?
Thanks in advance!
Ellie Nava-Jones
MoBo Bicycle Cooperative
a project of The Village Green Foundation
1415 Knowlton St.
Cincinnati, OH