Hello, comrades,

At BB last year I heard a number of different takes on the issue of payment to core/committed/etc members of the shop.  This is obviously something that many of us have struggled with--a small stipend can enable someone to spend much more time in the shop and increase productivity, etc, but it also can have pitfalls: shifting emphasis toward making money & away from service/community/etc goals.

Not to be nosey, but I'm wondering how different shops have approached this, both through payrolls and alternate routes.  I'm also wondering what kind of decision-making and account-taking goes on in regards to taking care of each others' needs so that neither individuals nor the organisation as an organism is exploited.  There are also questions of seasonable labor, the threat of a paid, empowered elite vs the volunteer masses... I'm just thinking out loud.

Sorry this question is so broad and filled with etc's.  If any kind of discussion comes out of it I will be happy to elaborate on my own experiences (can't speak for all of The Recyclery) but for now I'm curious about what else is out there and how well it has worked.  I'm interested to hear from all-volunteer groups as well, of course.

Erik Stockmeier
The Recyclery