Fiscal Agent for a startup is one way of mentoring another organization. Once the startup gets 501c3 or similar they might be able to stand on their own, with what they have learned about the process/ procedures/ accounting/ record keeping/ reporting/taxes/etc.
On Our Own of Maryland is an umbrella org for the state's consumer run drop in centers ( roughly like a franchise ), one in most of the counties in Maryland.
New Jersey's are similar to Maryland's in that regard.
Virginia's drop in centers are each their own non profits.
Northern Virginia we researched Maryland and New Jersey's to develop five centers within five jurisdictions, Fairfax having three of the five, last I knew.
Some places do a for profit paired with a non profit...
IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer), and don't play one on the net...
Foundation Center and other resources like SCORE, etc exist to learn more.
typing impaired by device, so phlat.
NB: BigBro monitors all, dude[tte]....
BackusNaurForm forgotten.
Lied to re: Del msgs. MailHoardersAnon*
On Oct 23, 2014 3:17 PM, "Mark Friis" <iebafriis@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have a non profit bike advocacy that has 3 co ops under it plus a
> skate/bike park. That what you looking for?
> Mark Friis
> Executive Director, Inland Empire Biking Alliance
> PO Box 9266
> Redlands, CA 92375
> 909-800-4322
> *mfriis@iebikingalliance.org*
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/mfriis@iebikingalliance.org>
> <http://goog_1035360530>WWW.IEBIKE.ORG
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Falls City Community BikeWorks Community
> BikeWorks <fccbikeworks@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm looking for examples of two-in-one organizations....two (or more)
>> named entities doing their respective business under one Tax
>> ID....something like The Hub / Back Alley Bikes in Detroit, or Center for
>> Appropriate Transport in Eugene.
>> Also welcoming of any feedback on the idea or practice of having multiple
>> named groups doing related but different work within one organization.
>> Happy fall yall
>> Isabella Christensen & John Krueger (FCCBikeWorks)
>> 502-558-3157 / 859-221-5329
>> https://www.facebook.com/FCCBikeworks
>> w <http://bicyclingforlouisville.org/#fccb>ww.fccbikeworks.org
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