Hi Evelyn,
You have reached the Bicycle Kitchen We are community service promoting bicycles as a better way to get around the recreation and sport is secondary. If bicycling magazine did a profile of our type of organization that would be supper. There is a "clearing house" of sorts www.bikecollectives.org/ where one can find links in the directory to hundreds of organizations like the Bicycle Kitchen.
Now on to your question,
Again there is something going on in Los Angeles know as http://midnightridazz.com/ . On this web site you will find social rides listed for every night of the year some times as many as three or four. The type of rides are diverse ranging from strictly slow paced social events to the wolfpac hustle, a weekly fast ride.
Check out these two aspects contemporary cycling. While they may not fit completely with your current project they are truly powerful aspects of modern bicycling.
--- On Mon, 3/26/12, Hazel Hartman hazel.hair@gmail.com wrote:
From: Hazel Hartman hazel.hair@gmail.com Subject: [cooks] Fwd: Bicycling magazine: 50 Rides story To: "cooks" kitchen-cooks@bicyclekitchen.com Date: Monday, March 26, 2012, 3:18 PM
Hello, I will forward your request to our volunteers! Thanks and good luck Hazel Begin forwarded message:
From: Evelyn Spence evspence@gmail.com Date: March 26, 2012 9:26:54 AM PDT To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: Bicycling magazine: 50 Rides story
Hello there! My name is Evelyn Spence, and I'm a freelance writer for Bicycling magazine. We're working on a big story for an upcoming issue: We'd like to choose the best bike ride in each of the 50 states. Yes, it's impossible to pick just one, but we're trying to figure out classic rides all across the country....and we thought that local bike shops would be a great way to start. And, of course, your shop might get a shout-out in the magazine.
Basically, if you could recommend ONE ride in your state, what would it be?
We are open to all suggestions, but the majority of the routes will be road rides for an aspiring/enthusiastic, not insanely hardcore, cyclist. We're open to some mountain biking if that's the ultimate experience in your state--and, similarly, we're open to a beach cruise or urban ride if that captures your state the best. Also, we'd like unorganized routes rather than timed/official "events" if possible.
If you could include a short description of what the route is like or why it deserves to be The One, that will really help us make our final decision.
Please forward to anyone who might be interested in helping! And thanks for your suggestions.
Best, Evelyn