On Dec 13, 2017, at 13:59 , Gabriel Trainer <getrainer@bikefarm.org> wrote:At Bike Farm we have all of the freewheel and cassette tools laid out on a magnetic strip so you can see the different shapes easily. Still a guess and check method, but better than a bin of tools thrown together.Gabriel____________________________________On Dec 13, 2017 7:41 AM, "Ainsley Naylor" <needleandthread@gmail.com> wrote:Because these are the type of tools which are SMALL, important, easy to break/strip, and not always cheap (hello, did you order a Maillard french freewheel tool off of the internet because they are super hard to find???) we DO keep ours in a closed bin on the table with our vices.Bottom bracket tools are actually kept in our special tool area at the front of the shop because if people can grab stuff they are more likely to break it :( Hell even volunteer who do know how to use these tools properly still abuse and break them.I guess generally we expect that volunteer will determine what tool is required for a repair and retrieve and explain it, rather than people figuring it out/finding it for themselves....NOT THE ANSWER YOU WANTED SORRY JOSH!!!!Ainsley.On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 1:31 AM, Josh Bisker <jbisker@gmail.com> wrote:Heyyo! I've been in co-ops where they have neat ways of displaying the various freewheel and cassette tools, like on a board next to the hub types they fit. Is YOUR shop one of these? (Or do you just have 'em jumbled unhelpfully all together in a bin like we do?) Send a pic of what you got!tldr: show us your rad way of housing freewheel/cassette tools that makes it easy for folks to find the right one.EXTRA CREDIT: same question re bottom bracket tools!xoxoJosh
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